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Dancers in Red

Classical processing

Among the services offered by the company Almet include precision machining. They are made using the latest CNC equipment generatie.Realizam various products through advanced machining techniques at a high quality level.

We provide technology solutions tailored to your needs. Our qualified staff is available to offer optimal solutions. Extensive experience in the field, professionalism, reliability are just some of the reasons for collaboration with the Almet. We have the necessary competence to achieve the precision machining of large and very large number of parts annually for materials such as brass, steel and iron board.

The main processing technology solutions are punching, stamping and turning material being obtained identical pieces with the precise characteristics in terms of shape and size. Besides the yearly metal balls varied and winter caps aluminum sheet.





Almet SRL
Drumul Cetatii, Nr. 81, Bistrita
BN, Romania
Telefon/Fax: 0263 233 815
Telefon: 0263 238 058
Email: muntean@almetbn.ro
Coordonate GPS: 47.130184; 24.480200
Copyright 2013 Almet SRL, Bistrita. Toate drepturile rezervate.

